Pohodlné nazouvání zajišťuje šněrování a zip na vnější straně nártu.grey Šedá. Lepená obuv - pevnost lepeného spoje může být negativně ovlivněna promáčením nebo propocením, event..
The conical shape of the brush allows for targeted application, particularly effective on the cheeks.The fine, silky bristles of the brush instantly replicate the luminous effect of the sun on the skin, delivering a natural and irresistible result..
Discover Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking, the essential accessory for flawless application of foundation, concealer, and baking.Essence's Makeup Sponge and Baking is not just an ordinary sponge.Achieve a flawless complexion with this beauty must-have. Designed for foundation, concealer, and the baking technique, this sponge becomes your perfect ally for a flawless complexion.
Ideal for repairing and sealing torn nails, it offers precise application thanks to its applicator brush.. Fragrance-free, paraben-free, and 100% vegan, this formula ensures long-lasting hold. .
Infused with a blend of hydrating ingredients including glycerin, rose water, and aloe vera, this serum not only exfoliates but also nourishes and moisturizes your nails and cuticles. The addition of jojoba oil beads provides a gentle peeling effect, leaving your nails smooth and ready for your favorite nail art. Impeccably prepped nails that are ready to showcase your favorite nail color or design..
Vyjímatelná stélka AIR-JET s integrovanou TECHNOLOGIÍ SOFT-AIR zaručuje zdravé klima chodidel a zajišťuje, že budete běhat nádherně měkký a bez námahy.. Tato moderní a pohodlná kotníková obuv uspokojí všechny vaše potřeby. Mephisto Odalia Kotníkové kozačky Černá Omezené otřesy při pádu nohy na absolutní minimum.